Thursday, February 10, 2011

Government: Too Involved in Abortion

In an article on, "Senate committee moves sonogram bill on, with amendments", it is reported that a new bill was amended by the Senate in reference to abortions.  Sen. Dan Patrick proposed this anti-abortion bill that originally required women seeking an abortion (except in special cases such as rape) to receive a sonogram.  Physicians were required to show the sonogram to the woman seeking the abortion, along with the fetal heartbeat, and a description of the fetus.

As I stated before, the bill was amended, but with some adjustments.  The physicians must offer the sonogram image, fetal heartbeat, and a description, but the patient can refuse this.  The only part that will be absolutely required is the fetal description.

The goal of this bill, I'm sure, is to reduce the abortion rates, but it just cruel.  If a woman is seeking an abortion, she has no doubt gone back and forth with the issue, and subjecting them to a sonogram would be inflicting unnecessary pain on someone who is already in turmoil about the issue.  Something to think about: If you have a pregnant fourteen year old daughter and abortion is the route you take, you don't want to show a child an image of her unborn to add to the guilt she probably already feels.

This is an issue that should be left to those involved, and the government shouldn't tangle itself within it.  Every situation is different, and they shouldn't make a hard decision even harder.

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